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2012.1-2013.3,美国科罗拉多矿业大学,“Hennebach Program in the







From Engineering Ethics to Engineering Politics. In Steen Hyldgaard Christensen(Ed.). Engineering in Context Engineering Identities, Values, and
Epistemologies. Dordrecht; New York: Springer.2015, pp. 307-324. (Co-authored with Carl Mitcham)

Needham Problem. In Carl Mitcham (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Science, Technology,Engineering and Ethics. Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA. 2015,pp. 237-239.

Railroads: Chinese Perspectives. In Carl Mitcham (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, Engineering and Ethics. Farmington Hills, MI: Macmillan Reference USA. 2015, pp. 559-562.

卡尔•米切姆著,王楠译. 藏龙卧虎的预言,潜在的希望:技术哲学的过去与未来. 工程研究,2014,6(2),pp. 119-124. (人学复印报刊资料《科学技术哲学)2014年第9期全文转载:pp.28-32.)

菲利普•布瑞著,王楠、朱雅婷译. 技术哲学:从反思走向建构. 工程研究,2014,6(2),pp. 129-136.

从2004-2009年的Techne特刊看西方技术哲学的研究近况,《技术的哲学追问》(朱葆伟主编),中国社会科学出版社,2014年,pp. 122-134。

A Chinese Perspective on Technological Literacy. In John R. Dakers (Ed.). New Frontiers in Technological Literacy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2014, pp:

Nanotechnology Ethics Education in China: A Case Study. Journal of Nanotechnology Education, vol 6 (1), 2014, pp. 70-78.

Philosophical perspectives on technology in Chinese Society. Technology in Society, vol 35 (3), 2013, pp. 165-171.

Nanotechnology Ethics and Policy Education: Learning and Sharing Across Boundaries. Journal of Nano Education, vol 5 (2), 2013, pp. 180-187(8). (Co-authored with Carl Mitcham, Laura Heller, Qin Zhu, Corinne Packard, Cortney Holles, Derrick Hudson, Jessica Rolston.)

What Is the Character of the Techno-Human Condition?. Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology, 16: 3, Fall 2012, pp. 330-336. (Co-authored with Wenjuan Yin)

Book review: Lessons amid the Rubble: An Introduction to Post-Disaster Engineering and Ethics”, Technology and Culture, (11) 2012, pp. 963-964.

The Development of Railroads in America and China”. In Steen Hyldgaard Christensen (Ed.). Engineering, Development, and Philosophy: American, Chinese, and European Perspectives. Dordrecht: Springer, 2012, pp.

Beijing Bauhaus: Art, Engineering, and Socio-Cultural Change. Design Philosophy Papers, vol (2), 2011. (Co-authored with Carl Mitcham.)

经济发达镇行政管理体制改革的思考,中国行政管理,2011/01 。(王楠,叶中华,常征)


On Whistleblowing: From the View of Engineering Ethics. In Marek Arszulowicz and Wojciech Gasparski (Ed.). Whistleblowing: In Defense of Proper Action (Praxiology:The International Annual of Practical Philosophy and Methodology, vol. 18). New Brunswick, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, 2010, pp. 83-94.

从传统行动学到现代行动学,自然辩证法研究,2010 /12

科塔宾斯基的实践哲学思想述评,东北大学学报(社会科学版),2010 /02 。

行动学视野中的设计,工程研究,2009/01。 (人大复印资料《科学技术哲学》2009年第9期全文转载)

在哲学界与工程界之间搭建沟通的桥梁,自然辩证法研究,2009/12 。

大庆油田管理经验探析,工程研究,2009/2 。(王楠,邢怀滨)

On Engineering Rationality. In Clark N. Glymour, Wei Wang, Dag Westerståhl (Ed.). Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Congress. London: Kings College Publications, 2009. (Co-authored with Li Bocong.)

效率视角下的人的行动,工程研究-跨学科视野中的工程(杜澄主编)(第3卷),2008年,pp. 60-68.



“Nanotechnology Ethics Education in China: A Case Study.” Forum on Philosophy, Engineering and Technology. Virginia, USA, 2014.

“Ancient Chinese Attitudes toward Technics: The Prehistory of Chinese Philosophy of Technology.” The 18th International Conference of the Society for Philosophy and Technology. Lisbon, Portuge. July, 2013.

“From Engineering Ethics to Engineering Politics”. Asia-Pacific Science, Technology & Society Network - Biennial Conference 2013. Singapore, July, 2013.

“Does Engineering Ethics Equal Engineers' Ethics?” 21st Annual Meeting of Association for Practical and Professional Ethics. Cincinnati, USA. March, 2012. (Co-authored with Carl Mitcham)

“Discovery and Innovation Road of Artemisinin”. The 17th International Conference of the Society for Philosophy and Technology. Denton, USA. May, 2011. (Co-authored with Wenhu Zhang)

“On Engineering Rationality”. The 13th International Congresses in Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Beijing, China. August, 2007. (Co-authored with Li Bocong)